Friday, May 31, 2013

Prayer- My Devotion

Prayer  36" x 36"

While I was painting this piece I had some random thoughts about Prayer and the power of prayer. Prayer is a beautiful medium to connect with the loving Almighty Father and the realm of intimacy it creates in our relationship with Him thrills our hearts. Its a two- way line of communication, back n forth...and I have experienced so many times that God places special concerns n prayers on our hearts for someone or something which He is concerned about n chooses us to redeem those areas on behalf of Him. For that He equips us with His divine power and boldness to stand between the gap as an intercessor. 
Just thinking about all this my heart poured out these wonderful patterns on the canvas n I called it "Prayer - My Devotion"

Grace of God

GRACE OF GOD  36" X 24"

God’s grace is His free and ready favour, unmerited one, a help in times of need..when we are overwhelmed with the worries of life ..tired n weary …and when we look upto the heavens n say,“Lord I come to you, I need you because with my own efforts life seems meaningless and I triedeverything n now stuck. You take over from here!
At that very moment God gifts us this Grace, all abound in love, to strike the mark in our lives..It’s a gift of forgiveness of sins and power to live with dignity with a Hope for the future.And we feel like bathing in the pool of this special divine favour enjoying the love of Almighty Father extending a helping hand to us, His children.

God's Glory

GOD'S GLORY  48" x 36"

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.To Him be glory forever! Amen . Romans 11: 36